Team Hospitality Nepal

Menu Engineering

Menu engineering is a framework to evaluate a restaurant’s menu pricing and design to create a profitable menu and business overall using sales data and food costs to guide which dishes to feature and their menu price. Menu engineering involves categorizing all menu items into one of four menus based on their popularity (sales volume) and profitability. 

To engineer a menu, you need to have knowledge about your customers and depth analysis of the restaurant’s food costs, contribution margins, and a firm grasp of each menu item’s prices and food costs per serving. With a detailed view, restaurateurs can categorize menu items and see which items contribute to your success and which aren’t pulling their weight and holding your restaurant back. 

In a nutshell: Menu engineering is a series of exercises that assure each dish and drink featured on your restaurant’s menu is profitable, popular, or both. 

How we execute Menu Engineering?

With industry experts as part of our team, we analyze recipes, menu costs, and generate a projected costing of your menu items. This enables us to strategically arrange your menu items.

The design and layout of your menu will have your customer’s behavior in mind. From the typography, the borders, type of material, and the colors, every detail is intended to serve a purpose.

Menu engineering is an ongoing process. We understand that consumer behavior is constantly changing and keeping up with trends is crucial to stay ahead of the curve.

Why Menu Engineering is important?

Menu engineering enables you to have a flexible menu that can easily accommodate any changes in consumer behavior. Organizing your menu is achieved through an analysis that does not only focus on your profit margins but also on your customer preferences. This means better menu organizing according to gathered data from your customers.

There are three key elements to a successful menu aesthetic – the font, layout design, and the description/content, or simply the text. Methodically designed menus give attention to these critical details. Fonts provide the personality and overall set the tune and appeal of your menu. This is then enhanced by the design- keeping in mind the brand guidelines and the use of the write layout and color. To top it all of, an excellent copy is needed to properly convey the description of the dish.

An excellent menu copy goes beyond its descriptions, image, and the overall aesthetic. With menu engineering, you’ll be able to provide the best pricing. Pricing placement plays a significant role when customers decide to purchase. The ideal menu is one that compels customers to base their decisions on taste rather than the budget and having specialists to do just that, is crucial for your restaurant.

Menu engineering entails the need for a thorough analysis and understanding of your menu items, customers, and the market. As it is both a science and an art, menu engineering involves mathematical data analysis to provide the best to increase profitability while considering the design, and aesthetics of your menu. Through menu engineering you are able to influence your customers’ behavior and at the same time, project the best outcome for your restaurant business.

Menu engineering will enable you to effectively reduce your food waste. Since the menu planning process involves monitoring the quantities of food that’s going to be prepared, your crew will only get to use the specific amount of ingredients to use. This way, it is easier to manage food wastage. Overall, the reduction in food wastage will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

How can we help you?

If you require any assistance from us, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We approached Team Hospitality Nepal to develop our Restaurant (K2 Restaurant & Cafe). The awesome team took care of all our needs from A to Z and still assist us from time to time in on going management and operational assistance. Thank you for making our dream project come true.

Pasang Sherpa
Founder, K2 Restaurant & Cafe